
Showing posts from 2024


What is happening with dating  There are now hundreds of videos on YouTube that can be recommended to you if you are specifically a male, dating advice videos. In my time browsing the internet I have noticed those videos pop up in my feed. Usually, I see the title that promises to teach you to seduce 99% to 100 % of women and I ignore the video. Recently I've been opening the videos and listening in to what the male presenters describe. The things said in those videos brought me back to a weird place Animal Channel shows I watched as a teenager. As you know in those documentaries you usually follow one or several types of animals in a savanna or in the Arctic or the jungles of the Amazon. At some point, the topic of reproduction comes and they show you some bulls fighting or birds flapping their wingspan colorfully and exotically and explain the reproductive rituals and strategies of animals without the graphic details or some light sex for the turtles because they do it slowly and