
I often hear people talking about time, well not about time, rather about its properties, and it is always a factor to be blamed for something, it is either insufficient, too tardy, too fast, too much, or too little, it is bad when it passed, it is bad when it passes right in front of us, and it is bad when it will pass on. This is a strange thing, in essence, time might as well not be here, to us our experience is not a passage of minutes or hours, as much as we like to describe what happens to us in temporal terms we live in narrative patterns, we have stories about what we where what we are and we have stories about what we will be, and these stories are loosely based on objective reality but only to the extent of our understanding of it, in rest we have one true guide emotion, this is how we experience life as subjects of experience rather than time. Now, this might delve into the whole matter of construing reality versus living reality, and I do not think that all that we live is a theatrical rendition of that which we learn, see or perceive, we do live in a real material world, made out of real matter that is there, that is all good, the trouble comes when we try to grasp the real material in terms of a narrative, and here times comes in. When we as a subject of the whole big object that is reality give definitions to what is that which we live in, we have great insights, we create good hypotheses, we test them we get theories and we live happily ever after. Once we leave the terrain of physics and chemistry, where at least math is a good yardstick and helps not getting lost, when we get into the metaphysical elements like the why's we are here that's where we lose track. Time is not happening to you, or in you, it is happening in the universe, just like gravity, but you don't blame gravity for pulling things toward a lower point. Of course, unlike gravity time kinda encompasses the eternal modification of matter, and some matter matters to us more than other matter, some of that matter is your relatives, friends, loved ones, and you want them to stay, or let's get even more personal, you want to survive yourself, dying doesn't sound like fun, and who is responsible for dying, well time, or is he? Let's go back a bit, okay, so time like any other property of the universe is there for all of us to kinda feel more than see. We all know that morning is morning, and that the evening doesn't come up at noon. If you pay close attention to what exactly happens as time passes, you can observe one thing, changes. Not in the sense that you literally observe a change, you might not actually see a difference at all. Nonetheless, every second the universe ceases to be the universe of the second ago and becomes the universe of the second, that is known here. Sounds scary I know, but this also is a reason for infinite optimism, yeah the seconds' change and matter acquire a new shape, but yet it's the same basic components in a different configuration. Which if translated in interesting words means that nothing ever is lost, nothing ever dies, nothing died, and if it took the configuration of a corpse this time, some other change will in another time drive it back to being a human, death does not exist. Okay, sounds like God is going to come up out of somewhere now. Nope, okay, he( she or it) might, but more like a controlling entity that is unattainable to us (maybe the next sentence will actually say that this is not the case, but I believe in the freedom of belief, so please even if I do this whole analysis outside the idea of a God, under no circumstance, so I urge you to leave your beliefs outside of this, your faith is important to you and the idea that faith is an undeniable right of an individual is important to me, so keep on believing in your ideas just like I believe in mine). Back to where I was, there is no death, how come? Welp, if you again look at the concept of time, you can clearly see a present and a past, both right there in front of you, the future, well you can imagine it, but observing it nope. After it comes to pass yeah, well that kind already fits into the idea of the past, but you can say right now that you have a future, and yeah for the second that the thought resides in your head the idea of the future very comfortably exists in the present. Well then, damn the future is gone too, not gone rather contained in an ever-shrinking present and destined to become past. This is getting confusing so let's go back to the no death thingy, in the context of what is observable about time, none of its properties kind of create death, but it is rather a stage than a final because guess what, unlike the narratives that are our lives, or better yet besides these narratives is real life, and if you exit the idea that an end must exist, which is like what, the quality of a good the story, and if we are watching the same universe I would not dare call it a good the story, or a story at all. We are quite arrogant in the idea that our deaths are the end, the universe was here before us, and it will be hereafter, but this  means that some form of us is as well, but we can't even speak in terms like this, there is no after, no post-credit marvel scene, time doesn't stop, and yes it happens to us, but if it does, guess who doesn't stop with it. The whole point is that time isn't cruel or bad, we paint it to be so, and you know why because we are not vulnerable enough to take it at what it is, we create a story about it and stories are retellings of what has happened, life, on the other hand, happens now, and there are no pages in the front, you wrote it before with all the matter in the universe, and you keep doing it every second. Don't blame time for not giving you what you want, don't blame it for apparently running away from you, don't fear it, dare to let yourself go within it, and trust it, trust that the now is yours, as the past, was, and don't worry about what will come, because of nothing is coming, it's just a continuation of the same good time and it's matter, don't worry about remembering, because you are the beautiful past and present of the universe, you are the memory of what was and the image of what is, everything else is under control.                            

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