What is love? A feeling, yes you read right, no lyrics to disco masterpiece, a feeling, that has a hormonal base and is embedded in us by biology to make sure that we actually procreate in a smart way. Well, guess who can fuck up given all of this, the author of this blog post that's who. In this little snippet of a post, I will talk about what I have learned from the battlefield, that is love. 1. The desire to save someone, just to run from your own problems is not love. Yep, sometimes in a relationship you feel that need to go the extra mile even though your partner does not show you any ounce of accepting what you are giving them but merely tolerates you giving them affection. Why do we do stupid stuff like that? Multiple reasons, like maybe we don't feel lovable, or we feel that we haven't given others what they needed in past relationships, and now we compensate. For me, the reason was running aw...